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Piano teacher poured bleach on partner and tried to sever his penis after being refused sex

Marlena Meczynska-Shiibashi, 38, waited until her boyfriend, 50, had fallen asleep before attacking him

A pianist poured bleach over her partner and almost severed his penis when he refused to have sex with her, a court heard.
Marlena Meczynska-Shiibashi, 38, waited until her boyfriend, 50, had fallen asleep and then poured bleach on his face.
As he was confused and fumbling for his clothes in the dark, she stabbed him in the groin, narrowly missing his penis.
The music teacher later said in court: “I wanted to harm his penis but because he moved I got his thigh instead.”
On Friday, she was sentenced to seven years in prison at Lewes Crown Court after she pleaded guilty to wounding her boyfriend with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.
The court heard that the couple had been in an on-again off-again relationship since 2011.
On the day of the attack in April last year, Maczynska-Shiibashi had tried to initiate sex with her partner at her home in Hastings, East Sussex, but he refused, saying: “Please don’t.”
He then went to sleep but was woken when he felt liquid being poured onto his left cheek.
He told the court: “My next recollection was some liquid being poured over the left side of my face. When I inhaled I realised it was bleach. It went into my nose and ear.
“I sat up straight away and that’s when she threw the remainder of the contents of the glass into my face.”
The victim said he tried to use his phone torch to find his clothing and managed to get his socks on when he was stabbed in the groin.
Blinded by the bleach, he described feeling warm liquid running down his leg.
He said: “My initial thoughts were I had wet myself out of fear of what was happening. It was only when I looked down that I could work out it was blood from a wound.
“I then looked at her and could see she had a face absolutely full of rage and she was holding a knife. She was coming towards me with the knife.”
The man was able to escape the flat and was discovered by police lying naked and covered in blood in the hallway of the building.
As Meczynska-Shiibashi was being arrested by police, she asked officers: “Do you know if it’s in the genitals or not?”
She later told the court: “I got massively drunk and stoned with marijuana. I grabbed a kitchen knife and bleach and poured the bleach in a glass. I poured it on his closed eyes.”
She told the court she had been the victim of serious sexual abuse and had acted in self-defence.
But the court found no evidence of abuse and found her to be coercive and controlling of her boyfriend.
Judge Christine Laing KC told the pianist: “I find you to be a liar and a very manipulative person who hides behind the story of serious abuse as an excuse to lash out at people both mentally and physically.”
She sentenced Meczynska-Shiibashi to seven years in prison and four years on extended licence to protect the public.
She also imposed an indefinite restraining order forbidding her from contacting her ex-boyfriend.
